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Maritime Economy Forum, Gdynia 2023

The Maritime Economy Forum Gdynia 2023 came to an end ! It was truly exiting to meet and exchange views with so many professionals in the field of maritime and seaport business. Particularly we would like to thank Piotr Pawłowski who in a very dynamic manner moderated the panel on “Development of Polish ports in light of new legal regulations”, which included Krzysztof Urbaś (President of Ports of Szczecin and Świnoujście), Łukasz Malinowski (President of Port of Gdańsk)Jacek Sadaj (President of Port of Gdynia), Jan Jarmakowski (President of Gdynia Container Terminal), Marek Klabacha (President of Rhenus Port Logistics) and  Rafał Czyżyk – Managing Partner of CMW Legal. We are grateful for all the interest shown in respect of the discussions with all seats occupied and some viewers even standing!

You will find a very interesting resume of this event by here: