Employment agreement including management contracts
By-laws, collective labour agreements, instructions and other internal rules
Transfer of workplace establishments
Preventing workplace harassment, discrimination and unequal treatment
Settlement of working time, overtime, worker’s leave and business trips
Employees' responsibility towards employer
Relations with trade unions, including collective disputes
Individual and group redundancies
Inspections of the State Labour Inspection
Occupational health and safety, including accidents at work and occupational diseases
Temporary work, outsourcing, employee leasing
Posting of workers to work abroad and employing foreigners
Representation in court proceedings
GDPR Audits
Development and implementation of procedures and documentation for the protection of personal data
managing data security breaches;
Implementation of privacy rules
Ongoing legal advisory concerning GDPR
External Data Protection Officer
GDPR trainings
Representation before Polish Data Protection Officer
Green transformation
Non-financial information and sustainability reporting
Materiality assessment
Sustainable development
General disclosures